
THE CURRENT goes where it pleases, and builds dams in its wake.

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SCP- 6768
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QUY TRÌNH QUẢN THÚC ĐẶC BIỆT: Mọi bản thể của Điểm-6768 cần phải bị quản thúc. SCP-6768-1 cần phải bị tiễu trừ khi cần thiết, tuy nhiên, bản chất của nó khiến mục tiêu này không bền vững. Dù vậy, những nỗ lực tận dụng các tính chất có lợi của dị thể vẫn không suy giảm, có thể là có chủ dích

MÔ TẢ: SCP-6768 là mã định danh cho một sự kiện bí ẩn đã dẫn đến sự huỷ diệt cho một dòng thời gian của Tổ Chức thông qua việc chống lại các hoạt động của phòng ban trong Điểm-6768. Cơ sở bảo mật này cũng là một địa điểm siêu hỉnh được biết đến là Trạm Nghiên cứu Mnemosyne, địa bàn hiệp đồng và phản ứng của Phòng ban Xoá bỏ.

Điểm-6768 thường hoạt động bên ngoài các dòng thời gian của Tổ Chức, trong một vùng ngoại thời gian gồm những phâǹ tử của các địa điểm bị xoá và các cơ sở bảo mật vẫn còn toồn tại trong bộ nhớ; Quá trình xoá sổ, như đã đề cập trong các tài liệu khác, về cơ bản không xoá thông tin hiện có khỏi Cơ sở dữ liệu, thay vào đó là đánh dấu các thông tin đó là có thể bị ghi đè.

Trạm nghiên cứu Mnemosyne chỉ lộ diện khi cần thiết, trong phạm vi gần với các dị thể liên quan, khi chúng xuất hiện. Phòng ban Xoá bỏ sau đó sẽ cử đi nhân sự bằng phong cách tương tự. Khi chành động thích hợp đã thực hiện và nmọi nhiệm vụ hoàn thành, Điểm-6768, cùng mọi nhân sự, cấu trúc và/hoặc thiết bị liên quan sẽ ngừng tồn tại trong kho lưu trữ chính và trở về trạng thái ngủ đông
While it is known that the event occurred in response to actions taken against Deletions personnel, the current iteration of agents possess no recollection of this event, having been created in response to SCP-6768's effects. Immediately before this, an area approximately 3 km in diameter became unreadable, and all inside were presumably lost.


Projection of SCP-6768's impacted area. Site-6768 intercepts this timeline at the center.

Foundation records implicate the Department of Deletions as a hostile organization responsible for SCP-6768, though this allegation is misplaced; since the event, the current iteration of Deletions has remained, indicating the Database anomaly (SCP-6768-1) has yet to be rectified. This is in opposition to mission parameters of Deletions personnel, who unanimously desire nonexistence.

SCP-6768-1 is a landscape spontaneously written to Database sectors adjacent to Site-6768, SCP-6768's location, and/or other instances of SCP-6768-1. The anomaly manifests as a composite windmill farm atop layers of permeable tarmacadam, similar to that found on some airport runways. The wind turbines appear in an uneven radial pattern, facing SCP-6768's point of origin. In timelines outside of SCP-6768's origin, instances will generate in an uneven radial pattern that faces the point of incursion. All instances contain a series of capacitors at their base that can be directly accessed by Deletions personnel and used for primary, ancillary, or tertiary power supply systems in a variety of containment efforts. Unfortunately, the energy produced by SCP-6768-1 is inverted; use in non-anomalous systems drains capacitive devices and increases consumption needs significantly. Due to the laws of thermodynamics, however, this process can still be harnessed to create non-anomalous electricity, which can then be fed back into the system to mitigate these effects at the cost of increased wear and emissions. Thus, the anomaly currently provides Site-6768 with enough energy to sustain all facility operations indefinitely.

SCP-6768-1 territories represent Earth's entire surface area within its original timeline. In all instances, the turbines are functional and moving at first manifestation, despite lack of meteorological phenomena and detectable air currents in affected regions. These machines are susceptible to normal wear and destruction, and have been observed overwriting existing portions of other instances at random. Because of this, the planet has developed jagged and irregular terrain since SCP-6768's initial occurrence.

Although no notable upticks in atmospheric activity have been recorded, seismological fluctuations are frequently observed, including severe earthquakes, infrasonic noise, and the rapid formation of sinkholes— exploration of which is currently underway.


When we first heard about THE CURRENT, we didn't know what to think. Something like this comes around and promises to change everything, for better or for worse. And it does. Only, we needed it yesterday. And not where apartments used to be.

The Foundation saw what Deletions had built and decided to take it and run with it, mass produce it and commodify it. None of us complained. Hell, we didn't even blink an eye— millions are dying, every year, and that number only goes up.

We kept telling ourselves not to look a gift horse in the mouth. That things like this had no cost too great, no limitation unsurpassable. As long as we used enough deleted electricity, there wouldn't be a problem, right? THE CURRENT flows where it pleases, and builds dams in its wake. We'd be cold, heartless bastards if we didn't at least try. The so-called Department of Deletions would be even worse if they didn't give it willingly. The ends justified the means, as they always do.

That's what we all thought, anyway. Until we realized there were turbines growing under the turbines, and that the world was boiling us alive twice as quickly.

Then, one of the maintenance crew was overwritten. He was harnessed and attached to the side of a turbine, two stories off the ground. When we looked again, he was gone. In his place, another turbine jutted from the machine, like a branch on a tree of fiberglass, in sparce woodlands with hot blacktop for the forest floor.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and too much of a good thing is still enough to end the world.


Although no discernable pattern has been determined for SCP-6768-1 manifestations other than being adjacent to one another, the drawbacks of using inverted systems to siphon would-be wasted energy from deleted timelines have increased exponentially since the technology's formal adoption. In addition, SCP-6768-1's power consumption needs required to maintain homeostasis have continued to rise. This correlates with the exponential increase in Humanity's reliance on electricity, which is considered unavoidable in all observed Foundation timelines.

Upgrade to Thaumiel-Apollyon classification approved.


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